Dancing in Silence

Project Description

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Dancing in Silence creates a view of flying dust in a single beam of light which comes in this dark room through a window. Dancing in Silence: Dust in Light aims to use strong visual contrast to make people feel the combination of quiet and noisy, which is also the state of life.

“A single ray of light comes into the darkness.” We tend to feel a quiet and serene atmosphere through this sentence. But if you try to immerse yourself in the scene, you’ll notice something you have not noticed in daily life. There is so much dust flying in the single beam of light. Those dust keeps moving in different tracks as the air currents are always changing, perhaps in a group that floats slowly by, or flying fast and almost in a straight line, or, maybe just randomly going to some direction alone. Even in this serene and peaceful environment there are still millions of moving dynamic things. The user can move the mouse to control the angle of the light and make this light rotate. But as the light moves, it’s not hard for us to see that in Dancing in Silence: The Dust in Light the dust doesn’t use the light as the boundary of the moving area, but moves across the entire canvas. Even though users can press F to turn off the light which can make the dust invisible, the dust is still there, just hidden in the darkness. Everything in the world is like this. There is no absolute silence or noise, but we usually don’t notice the “dust”. We just need the contrast of “light” and “darkness” if we want to make the “dust” visible.